notime“I’m busy” – is the most common excuse that most people use when they can’t get started with their writing. Even if they have set their goals and know how to achieve it they still fail in putting it into action. Time is abundant but the problem is you tend to invest it elsewhere.

If you want to become a successful writer, you make a choice. If you fail, it is your fault. You cannot blame your failure for not having sufficient time to write because, believe me, you have plenty of it. It’s just that you don’t know how to use it wisely. If it’s time for you to write your paper, don’t think of anything else anymore. Sit down, get your tools, and start writing.

Instead of “I don’t have time”, say “I have to do it NOW”

“The past is a ghost, the future a dream and all we ever have is now.”- Bill Cosby

Learn to prioritize and stick with your writing goals. I like how Bill Cosby emphasized the importance of the present in his quote.
Instead of saying I don’t have time, it would be better if you say – “I have to do it NOW, otherwise…” This is what we called prioritizing.

Prioritizing is sometimes the cause of writer’s downfall. They set goals for their future writing career but they forgot that they have to do it now and not wait for it to happen. It certainly helps a lot in getting task done successfully if you learn to prioritized. Keep in mind that priority is not only the things that you say, it is actually the things that you can accomplish.

Schedule time for interruptions

“An obstacle is often a stepping stone.” – Prescott

Distraction is a big obstacle to writers. But planned interruption is a good way in maximizing your time well. Distractions are everywhere and you cannot easily avoid it. The more you get rid of it, the more you get interrupted. If you cannot beat distractions then maybe allotting an ample time for it can make a change.

You cannot spend 24-hours a day working on your computer or creating a good writing piece. You have to take a break and get out of your work space for a while. This helps you to de-stress yourself because you are allowing your mind and body to relax from your tight work schedule.

Turn frustration and failure into a more positive attitude

“Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor.” – Truman Capote

Some writers get frustrated with themselves for not writing a superb piece. If they think that they are about to fail in their project they tend to give up in the middle of their writing. If this is the kind of mindset that you have, you won’t able to finish anything.

You cannot bring back the time that you’ve spent in writing your first draft but you can still move forward and correct the mistakes that you’ve committed in your paperwork. If your first draft fails, it’s okay. Move forward. Do not waste the rest of your time having pity party and not doing anything for your other writing tasks.

If your first draft sucks, keep on writing even if you write 10 more drafts until you get what you wanted. Think differently and have a positive attitude in your work. Remember, you can only appreciate the true essence of success once you’ve experienced downfalls.

Waiting for a PERFECT time is a LIE because it never arrives.

“Do not wait: the time will never be ‘just right’. Start where you stand, and work whatever tools you may have at your command and better tools will be found as you go along.” – Napoleon Hill

Many writers say that they are just waiting for the perfect time before they start writing their novel or before they begin their writing. If you are like this, no wonder you haven’t accomplish anything yet.

There is never a perfect time to start pursuing your passion. The more that you wait for it, the more the time you wasted. If you are eager to achieve your goal, you have to pursue it and do something about it. Take some actions if you really want to see results.

Be a Rebel Writer, break those rules from time to time!

“It is human nature to instinctively rebel at obscurity or ordinariness.” – Taylor Caldwell

The great writers of the past, of the present, and most probably better writers of the future are all rebel writers. They don’t follow rules instead they break them. But don’t get it wrong, they don’t break rules from time to time for nothing. They do it because it benefits them and their readers. Make use of your time wisely by following your path and working on your craft. If you want to get your writings done, do it without hesitation.

“No time excuse” is no longer acceptable in the writing realm. If you cannot write in a specific time, quit to become a writer. If you love to write, pursue your passion and learn how to use your time in getting all things done.