
The Top 10 Most Influential Blogs of 2012

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Wow, it’s been a year. A full year of reading, ranting, raving, and responding (and apparently alliterating).

I feel like I’ve accomplished a lot (no thanks to my ever-growing to-do list), but the fact is that no blogger or writer exists in a vacuum.

For every word I wrote, deleted, forgot, or shared, there was at least one blogger, friend, acquaintance, writer, author, or creator urging me on and keeping me going.

Since I must keep this list at a reasonable length, I’m only listing 10 of these people. They are whom I consider to be the “most influential” for what (and I) have become during the course of 2012. Also, I’ve tried to put them in some sort of “order” that makes sense in my mind.

These blogs and bloggers are 10 of the most influential people of 2012, according to me, who’ve provided amazing discourse in the worlds of blogging, writing, self-publishing, marketing, creating, and living. Please help spread the word and share their wonderful sites with your own networks!

#10. Goins, (Jeff Goins)

Jeff Goins runs a spectacular blog on life, writing, and building platforms online. He’s a down-to-earth, awesome guy, and his site was one of the first I stumbled across this year.

#9. Think Traffic (Corbett Barr) 

I’m a huge fan of Corbett’s work, both on Think Traffic and Expert Enough (another “spinoff”-type blog launched this year). He’s the guy to go to when you’re trying to get a blog off the ground!

#8. Tim Ferriss

Yes, I put Tim Ferriss on this list. Sorry — I know he’s probably yesterday’s news. I’ve been a fan since early 2008, but the truth is he’s still putting up awesome content, and he still manages to be one of the most prolific writers in his niche (“random-life-skills-you-never-knew-you’d-need”).

#7. David Gaughran (David Gaughran)

David’s a very influential person in the self-publishing and writing world for many — not just me. I came across his work when I was publishing my first book. I read through his book, Let’s Get Digital, from a friend‘s recommendation, and loved it.

#6. The Creative Penn (Joanna Penn)

Since I started a guest-posting campaign earlier this year, Joanna’s website has fallen on my radar as one of the “places I have to guest post on as often as possible.” Her site is helpful, friendly, and loaded with great information on the self-publishing world.

Plus, she’s a great writer, and writes the kind of thrillers I love to read!

#5. Self Publishing Team (Duolit)

Toni and Shannon run Duolit, part author-services firm and part self-publishing and book marketing resource.

It’s been really cool to see their site grow from a niche blog into a commanding presence in the industry, and I’m only a little jealous…

#4. StoryFix (Larry Brooks)

When I started writing The Golden Crystal, I got stuck. Big time. I’d never written something so large before, and when I got stuck, I shelved the novel for half a year.

I read through countless books, blog posts, and other stuff, but the thing that helped me “get out of my funk” most was Larry’s guide to story structure. It’s still my go-to resource, and I often reference it in my own fiction course.

#3. ViperChill (Glen Allsopp)

Glen’s one of those guys who seems “too good to be true.” I’ve been a fan much longer than just this year, but he’s been working on some cool stuff and consistently beats me up with his truth-bombs.

#2. A Newbie’s Guide to Publishing (JA Konrath)

When I first started writing (and writing about writing), I came across JA Konrath’s irreverent, truth-laden, anti-publishing industry blog and immediately fell in love.

His posts are filled with research, information, and personal experiences, and if it wasn’t for his absolutely horrendous navigational structure, I’d probably keep his blog open in browser 24/7.

#1. The Art of Manliness 

This one’s a no-brainer for me. The Art of Manliness was introduced to me through their book, believe it or not. I grabbed a copy and read it cover-to-cover, as it was a real “guide to manliness” — full of class, nostalgia, and teaching actual “manly” qualities, not these modern-day hipster bullshit-type blogs that perpetuate the stereotype of rich white guys who are too busy to care about the world.

Anyway, rant over. The Art of Manliness (the books and website) are true gems and should be on everyone’s RSS list (even you, ladies — it’s written by a man-and-woman team, so the posts aren’t exclusive to men).

Again, that’s all she wrote. 

Enough for one day. If you’re keeping track, this is the second of ten “Top 10” posts to end 2012, and there’s lots more to come! Stay tuned, and leave a comment! 

Nick ThackerThe Top 10 Most Influential Blogs of 2012